Haircare 'QUICK' Tips & Tricks #1

*UPDATED* i started making a post on how to make your hair grow faster, but then most of the things i was going to write was already in this post. So i thought i’d just add some of the other tips here instead of creating a whole new post because all these tips will lead to faster growing hair as well as keeping it healthy (: 

1. Condition. This may be a basic thing to know but there are people who do not use conditioner in the shower. If your hair is the dry type then using conditioner will help with hydration. If your hair gets greasy really quickly & you feel like using conditioner will make it worse. It actually helps. If your hair produces oils really quickly it’s a cry for help. Your hair needs to be fully hydrated in order for your hair to stay healthy. If you do not use conditioner your head will produce oils in order to prevent your hair from being dry. 

2. Keep your hair down. It’s not good for your hair to have it constantly in a high & tight bun or ponytail. It’s okay from time to time but having your hair up pulls on your hair which can damage it & can slow hair growth.

3. Dyeing & bleaching. Colouring and bleaching your hair constantly does not have to lead to dead/split hair if you look after it properly. If you dye or bleach your hair you need to take extra care of it, as dying and bleaching is the short cut to damaged hair. I would advise to get a hair mask to use a couple of times a week to keep the hair in health. You can also get a leave in condition spray. 

4. Heat protectant. If you like using hot tools it is important to use a heat defense to prevent split ends. Even if you don’t use them often it’s better safe than sorry. It will also be beneficial to minimize the use of hot tools to reduce damage.

5. Long hair. With long hair it is much easier for it to be damaged than short hair as the bottom half of your hair is old and has become more vulnerable and fragile. Long hair gets scraped against everything and it can lead to split ends. To reduce wears and tears put it in a braid during the day and night. You don’t have to wear a braid everyday, of course, but put your hair in a french braid before going to bed and it prevents it from the constant grazing you do in your sleep.

6. Brush up. When brushing or coming your hair start at the bottom and work your way upwards instead if brushing/combing from the root to the tips. This will reduce wears & tears as you aren’t dealing with all the tangles at once. You’re getting rid of them one level at a time. 

7. Pat don’t rub. After washing your hair pat it dry, not rub. Your hair is weaker when it’s wet so it’s easier to damage. You can leave your hair in a turban for a while as an another alternative from patting.

8. Don’t brush your hair wet. Like i said before, your hair is weaker when wet so brushing the tangles out of wet hair is a big no no. Just leave it until it’s either almost or fully dry. If you really want to detangle your hair comb it, not brush. Remember to comb from the tips to roots.

9. Get a trim. Trim off 1-2 inches. I know you’ll probably hate this tip but it really does help. Get a monthly trim or every 6 weeks. This get rid of split ends and helps maintain your whole hair healthy as you will not have dead ends. This will then increase your hair growth.

10. Massage your scalp. Do this every so often for a couple of minutes. I can’t remember how this helps :P but it’s something to do with blood circulation.

11. Eat healthy. I believe that eating a balanced diet can help your hair grow faster and keep the hair healthy. So cut down on the junk food and start eating more greens. 

12. De-stress. If you’re stressed, your body is stressed so relax and put your feet up (: Stressing a lot can lead to hair loss.


Also, REMEMBER that your hair won’t grow inches/be healthy overnight, be patient. If you think about it too much and monitor your hair everyday it’ll only take (or rather it’ll seem) like your hair isn’t changing. Just take a record of the current state of your hair/how long your hair is, then do all the above tips and look at your hair again after a month or so. You’ll see the difference don’t worry (:

Hope this helped, happy caring ^^

Mwah xo


Disclaimer: I am not a hair stylist or a professional. I am only sharing my experiences and years of research on haircare.

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